Tuesday, May 27, 2008

Some Random Thoughts

Who invented swear words? Who got to decide what words were naughty or not? Shouldn't any word you say with venom be considered a curse word? My personal curse words at this time are "Shalla" which has Hub very nervous because there is a woman in our ward with that name and he's worried about people thinking I am slandering her, and I also like "shizzle". You may guess by the first consonant blend which official swear word I am replacing. And for some odd reason my new curse word lately has been "papa" as our dear neighbors heard a lot when we played tennis with them and I was hitting many a bad shot. That also has no reflection on my own father as I would never think of him while angry. I have no idea how those words fly out of my mouth when I am needing to vent, but at least I have the ability to substitute for the real thing.

Also, we visited our traditional four cemeteries this Memorial Day weekend, covering both Hub's and my families. We are getting better at locating the graves but I really wish we could bury people in alphabetical order. This would make life a lot easier and would be fuel efficient as well since you would have a lot less cars driving around aimlessly in the cemetery looking for that 'special' tree they vaguely remembered their loved one being buried under. I am pretty sure this is a feasible suggestion and I am going to run for city council with it being my number one issue. Maybe my dad, as long as I stop using the curse word papa, will help in coming up with a statistical analysis of how many plots would be needed for each letter. Sometimes I have such great ideas I can't believe it!

My last genius thought of the day is that we need several Father and Sons Campouts throughout the year. This would be a great boost to mothers everywhere, not to mention the great chance for bonding that happens between father and son. Ours is this coming weekend and Ethan is finally old enough to go. He does know his days of the week, so I am a little confused why he keeps on asking me if it is Friday yet. Like somehow Tuesday this week only was one hour? Anyway, I think when I run for city council this will be the second issue I push through. I think all the mothers with sons will vote for me on this issue alone, so the alphabetical order burials will just be a bonus.
This concludes my deep thoughts for the day.


cold cocoa said...

aren't all your thoughts random? I do agree with the cemetery one. I could be a lot more useful with my time there if they buried them according to your plan or by date. What will you and Noelle do when all the boys are gone?

LC said...

Tennis can sure bring out those mutant cuss words that start with sh.
Didn't make it to the cemetery this year. I could have visited my own grave even. There is one gravestone along the walking path with my name on it... pretty weird but not really since we share our last name with half the town.

The Allreds said...

"shnikies" is one of my favorite made-up curse words in case you want to incorporate it...and you notice it has the "sh" sound at the beginning that you like!
so glad the Fathers and Sons didn't get canceled (due to our STAKE change) or James may have bore a really sore testimony this Sun. : ) (with some help from Garrett)

Sherie Christensen said...

Just don't start using my name as a cuss word just because it starts with sh. And I kind of like wandering around aimlessly trying to find the right grave site as long as the weather is nice and all of the children are cooperating. Does that happen ever? I am afraid that talking of cemetaries and then having cold cocoa ask what you and Noelle were going to do when the boys are "gone" sounded a bit scary. I think, during Fathers and Sons you and Noelle should play with Dan who will be feeling left out since his father thinks he is too young to attend Father's and Son's this weekend.

DKAZ said...

I have a word-LAZY. Don't you enjoy meandering through the cemetery with three crazy little kids climbing on headstones, asking questions you don't want to answer to finally stop at the right one set some flowers down, reflect for about 10 seconds and hike back to the car? That's how we spell F-U-N on our Memorial Day weekends...but since we have no family buried here we had to settle for a BBQ with friends, slip n' slide and then swimming at the pool. Oh and dinner at Costa Vida. FO' Shizzle!

TisforTonya said...

My most recent "swear" word was Bug... meaning of course that something was really bugging me, but being that my mothers' maiden name was Bugg I was talked out of that one... so now I'm left with the random syllables that fly out of my mouth - though "booger snot" does show up quite frequently much to my own disgust.

Minimum age for fathers and sons? no such animal people - well, as long as the dads can feed them at least, they should go! I say this with a cringe as I remember one boy being brought back to me in the middle of the night by a neighbor who made him sit on a plastic bag for the ride home!

hOLLIANN said...

Me -me and yep...

Remember the snoop dog shizzlator. Oh you take me back. I think I read mean customer support emails using the shizzlator for a whole month.