I look forward to summer for many reasons. I believe snow is only useful for ambiance at Christmas time and the obligatory sledding trip. And maybe a little thing called water supply, but other than that, bring on the heat! So it is with great joy I bring you the re-emergence of these:
We have a serious disorder at our house called Single Sock Syndrome, or SSS. At any given time of day in the winter, you will find socks discarded in various rooms of our house. The sock will be all alone--unattached to a foot or its mate. It is a very strange disease. How does it happen? Surely someone would have a cold foot? Or surely if someone took off one sock, they would take off the other in close proximity? I have studied this disease and interviewed my four subjects, who all claim to be stymied as well as to how the socks are leaving their feet one at a time and migrating all over the house. Granted, one of my subjects is not verbal, but she grunted some similar response. Here are some further examples of this epidemic:
This poor sock couldn't even make it up the stairs with its mate or owner!
And this sock was found very close to the washing machine. Maybe it was trying in vain to jump in and join its dirty mate.
And because I am very tired of trying to solve the puzzle of SSS and very tired of picking socks up all over the house I am more than ready to deal with DSSFS. Or for you uneducated types out there, that would be Dirty Stinky Sandal Foot Syndrome.
Me too! I am pushing to get those socks off my kids' feet! Not only because there are piles of unmatched socks everywhere, but because one little boy throws tantrums in the middle of the night if one of his socks come off and gets lost in the bed. The other night I tried to trick him by putting on the same type of sock (but a different color) from the drawer and once he found out my deception he gave me NO peace. I am a tired mama. . .
Well said Megan, and very punny might I add. But add these to your list...the dog water, the sandbox, the car, and the kitchen sink (and on the same day I found lunch dishes in the trash). But I have a topper - I have one little boy that can't decide what socks to wear, so he will wear 3 different socks on 2 feet. So not my kid - I go barefoot in the winter!
My question is why is Mitch wearing your flip flops?
Commenting on your informative post though- socks appear in the strangest places. Try your fitted sheet folds. We always find a few old friends there.
Der found a stray sock in his sleeve during work once. It wasn't his sock of course, but it was there at work with him. I have a whole bucket of socks that I keep hoping the stray will find a way home. Some do. Some seem to have disappeared permanently. They're probably really crusty under the gravel in the back yard.
Free the feet - down with socks! I have taken to picking up the abandoned souls, identifying their owner (always Trevor or Porter) and taking them into their rooms in order to find the funniest place to leave them for later discovery - finding a dirty sock on the head of a beloved stuffed animal or hanging from the light fixture has yet to slow down the syndrome, but it is funny :)
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