You go on a nice fall hike with all the kids, no hubs and the trail happens to be straight up. Oh well, just mark off the weights on your exercise list since you ended up carrying 23 pounds of fun.
What's next? You go to the infamous Red Barn Pumpkin Patch for the second time that week (the first time was a dry run with Ethan's preschool class). You go with lots of family that is in town and you take up a whole wagon to yourself. You try to get an adorable picture of the kids and their special pumpkins, but instead you end up with this picture:
This screams resentment that mom would take them away from the various corners of the patch just so she doesn't get her blog deleted for not having the requisite Pumpkin Patch Post that everyone has to have. (seriously, who doesn't have one of these posts??)
Then you 'allow' (because he always nicely asks permission so I can't resent it if he just goes) your Hub to go golfing. But it's OK because you then go to lunch w/ all the related females in town and then participate in our own version of Super Saturday: Darling girly hair bows!This is Noelle modelling hers all at once. I made those suckers all by myself w/ only minimal stealing of ideas from the more craft-minded sis-in-laws (shout out to T). And it required just lots of glue gun use. Talk about a craft that was made for me.
Then you have the highly anticipated C Fam Halloween Party. The tradition did continue while my parents were on the mish, but let's face it---there are lots better treats and games when Grandma is behind the agenda.Ethan and Zack did their costume shopping several years ago at WalMart, obviously.
The most popular costume is Avery the Vending Machine. The kids wouldn't leave her alone as she actually dispensed candy.
Ike and Mitch enjoying their word search. In the background you can see Hub's eclectic costume of whatever he could find 5 minutes before departure. Also, there is Q and his much envied arm tats. Ethan whined on the way home that he just wants his own tattoos now.
You then attend a baby blessing on Sunday and leave for school early to see a hot air balloon lift off to kick off Red Ribbon Week. Life is pretty darn G-rated exciting over here (minus that tats-envy, of course)
I love your posts they are Hilarious!!!!! And, the vending machine costume is hysterical and so creative!
Okay, so those tat arms...I went to buy some for the baby (he is a pirate)...and I got Mormon scolded by my disappointing!
Glad it was fun, and no pumpkin patch for me this weekend. I do want to go...just not over UEA! You are more brave than I!
haha - no Mormon scolding here - the arm tats were lots of fun, and we'll be sportin' 'em at the ward party next week :) I didn't know they made them in baby sizes... hmmm, the possibilities...
I'm going to be recovering from the past weekend all the way until Friday - and then we'll party hearty :)
Tats are the best things ever created according to Addie. I just hope she gets that out of her system before she is old enough get the real thing.
Looks like you had an eventful break. Hopefully it was fun!!!
I see you don't want me to do my own pumpkin post, or you'd have sent my pictures to me already! Dang it!
Anyway, looks like some good, wholesome fun. You should have taken a picture of yourself in your overalls and Leon in your clothes.
Glad to hear you got out and had some fun...I was worried you rented ALL the Scooby Doo videos at the library and just SAT by the hour watching them : )
Way to sum up the best weekend ever! My pumkin patch post will be this week--gotta have one. I think you're pumpkin pic at least turned out better than all my blurry pinata ones. Now how abouts a YouTube video of the family monster mash?
Wow, that was a mouthful! It sounds like you had a wonderful few days off with your kids. At least you managed to squeeze in a few last fun fall activities before this freezing cold sets in. This is the season to sit in the house going crazy while the kids scream and jump off the furniture.
Those bows turned out so cute! I'll have to watch for them on Noelle.
See, now I am rethinking the tattoo arms. They are so dang funny...I should have gone over my mother's head...and they beat temporary tattoos because you don't have to scrub them off...Sad Sad days! I should've purchased them afterall.
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