Tuesday, January 24, 2012

Birth Order

Sometimes Hub and I like to play pretend and wonder how different our family life would be if our boys came after the girls. Or if Ethan was the oldest boy and Isaac the youngest? Or if we staggered boy/girl/boy/girl/boy.  Would their personalities be much different? Would our house be as battered? Would there be as much fighting or (heaven forbid) even more? We will never really know so it's best to just focus on making the present birth order work. Those times after dinner when all three boys somehow manage to happily throw balls at each other  in the basement while the girls go off in their room and play Barbies and there's harmony for about ten minutes......those are the priceless moments. 

And let's be honest---after being the mom that was wrestling with her boys at most public venues for several years it's finally MY turn to be the mom with the quiet, listening children at library story time. And how would I know to appreciate that if I hadn't had the beanbag-jumping boys first?

love these girlies 


LC said...

We wonder about that stuff too. Would Kate play pranks on her siblings if they were bigger than her??? maybe not but would I want Cannon to be the oldest? No way. I'm sure we wouldn't be having free date nights for a few more years so I'm really glad it worked out the way it did.

BTW-Congrats!! You won a Burt's Bees Lip Shimmmer. I'll mail it to you right away.

cold cocoa said...

I wish we could really find out those wonderings. Like if I were the oldest of our family--or if the girls were in the lead and the boys had to look up to us.
How strong are our inherent personalities anyway? Great topic, though you didn't explore it deeply enough. Maybe on my blog..
Love Noelle's hairs.

stephanie said...

I feel like I have just the opposite. ( Well I did) Addie was perfect in public. I could take her anywhere and then....... anyway, my boys don't share the same social skills. I have wondered if it would be any different if Addie came between the boys.

Matt and Cristina said...

What cute girls! I know we've only been gone a few months, but they look older. I have to admit, I thank my lucky stars almost daily that I have a calm girl first that will sit and watch Disney princess movies all day if I let her.

Diana said...

I had to take a closer look at that second picture to make sure it really was the two girls and not just Syd plus Mitch all gussied up...

Sherie Christensen said...

Nice. I always find it kind of weird to go places with my boys because some people see the boys, and don't realize that I had three girls first -- and it just seems weird to me. Birth order questions are interesting, but, you are right, we've got to work with them in the order they come!