I learned from my mom that every experience is enhanced if there is a treat involved. So conference weekend had me and some Swedish Fish hanging out on the couch getting edified. The candy worked wonders for my older two boys who understand bribes. Not so much for Ethan who then just kept on asking, "Is it treat time yet?" This was probably the most I've heard of conference in about 6 years. It's nice when the afternoon session hits naptime and the two most distracting kids are in bed and the older two know how to do some things quietly. Sometimes.
Hub was busy this past month improving our 72-hour-kit situation. We have really only had one huge pack in the past and figured it would get us by. But after lots of guilt-inducing lessons and seeing mile long lists of things we should have ready, we decided we needed an upgrade. He and the boys put everything together during the first session. We are going to update clothes and certain foods every conference weekend. The boys had fun marking things off their checklist and fighting over which color flashlight they got. My pack happens to be the biggest because I am the strongest one in the family, I guess. We bought the little kid backpacks from ebay for a steal. This now concludes the ramblings of moi.
Oh yeah... That was going to be one of our conference traditions--updating 72-hour kits. I had forgotten I made that resolution many conferences ago. Yikes.
ps. it's not to late to make some dips. Have you tried mixing equal parts brown sugar and sour cream--so good with strawberries. Don't let that last ingredient scare you. I didn't believe it until I tried it and I've been a big fan for awhile now.
So here is my one tip - i am a faithful 72 hourer. I keep them in my suburban. i use them all the time. Treats and diapers in the car - never tote a diaper bag anymore! And, the time that we went to the Muhelstein party at wheeler farm, and all the kids kept falling in the water in october. I had many a set of clothes in my car!
Can you make a list of everything in your 72 hour kit so I can copy and not have to think too hard about it?
I think you are guilt-inducing me to get my 72-hour kit going. I think we have 2 backpacks in the basement that are full of 5-year-old food. YIPES! I'm glad you are on top of that. :)
Love the thought of updating your kits at COnf. time, it's true with growing kiddoes, you have to constantly replace their clothing! It was too cute...Isaac was in the backseat and was so excited to find a new pen with a new case, nonetheless! It was hiding in his new backpack. Is that the one from ebay?? I really liked it, step up from Shrek : )
Garrett just got a Yoda lunch box from Russell and Erica as an early b'day gift. My days of licensed cartoon paraphanilia (sp??) has begun! Sorry my smile wasn't big enough to notice me at Conf. You could have picked me out if you knew who was sitting beside me...Mohammad Ali! No joke he was a spitting image but this was pre-stroke Ali...this guy couldn't stop talking! whew! And I thought I was worried about Sara. The dolly did draw a lot of attention but then when the one talk mentioned nurturing it made me feel good I didn't make Sara leave her precious side-kick in the car : )
Okay, so you know we're bad at updating when I looked last year and there were still training pants in Tia's pack and she's 15. She hasn't needed those for a while! Now we have some food. Dan would be in a hard spot though since he's allergic to most of it and he has no pack. I guess I'd better get busy.
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