Anyway, we had our pinewood derby and Mitch chose this design after perusing a few ideas online.
We liked it because it looked fairly simple and we had run out of a lot of time to do anything complicated. Hub says it turned out to be more complicated than it looked. Something about getting the wrapper nice around the wheels or something? I don't know, cuz I just do all the OTHER scout stuff besides the car.
Mitch won 'best in show' which might have been rigged since I made each of his sibs vote for him. And then it turns out only the cub scouts were supposed to vote. oops. Just count it as another Bush/Gore election fiasco.
In other exciting news, Isaac's spring soccer season started. And Ethan starts in a couple of weeks. I know we're below our water needs but it would personally be great for me if we didn't have any snowy soccer games this spring.
And one a completely random note I will share something personal so you know I have struggles and trials too. One of my current frustrations is that I cannot master my boys Ripstick! I don't know how to wiggle the right way! Is it the hips or the feet or the legs? I even looked up youtube videos on how to do it right. And I still can't. It is hard for me to look out the window and see all these little uncoordinated children making it look so easy. But I will conquer it. And then I will know that I can do anything. Maybe if they gave me a merit badge for it?