I knew this was a busy week when Mitch was writing in his journal yesterday and after a whole page said he'd only made it to Tuesday.
Here are some highlights:
*President's Day drove to Kamas to go swimming. Not sure why except the pull of good family to do it with and no other pressing plans won out.
*Blue and Gold Banquet on Tuesday with a hot dog bar! Ethan could hardly sleep, he was so excited about this. Mitch and I received his Bear. Though his great den leader should have received a pin as well. Ethan's 8 next month and I'm not as excited about another kid in scouts as I could be....
* Isaac had the city wide shootout on Wednesday at the same time as New Beginnings for me and YM for hub. We made it work and Ike did well. I couldn't handle the pressure of making certain shots in a time limit, but that's why I wasn't invited to do it I guess. I was too stressed about it to take any pictures so just imagine him shooting a basketball, would you?
*Hub's 95-year-old grandma passed away and her funeral was on Friday. I enjoyed hearing more stories and tidbits about her. Plus it's great to see Hub's cousins and fam that we only seem to see at funerals.
* Syd had her 3rd Birthday on Saturday. This was a day she'd been waiting for. She woke up and ran into Isaac first thing and asked him 'Do I look bigger?" She was very excited to get her new Barbies, clothes, Barbie DVD, sunglasses and purse.
After basketball games, opening presents, and other things (I went to the Cougarette showcase and loveloveloved it) the whole fam went to the BYU basketball game. What, doesn't every 3-year-old girl want to do that on her Birthday?
Then we got to dine at Syd's favorite fine dining establishment: McDonald's.
And the evening ended at Krispy Kreme where we had to wait FOREVER in line and then have a problem with the machines not being able to read gift cards that day. The end result was fine as everyone enjoyed a birthday donut.
We love Syd and are so glad she's in our family!