So I took a little bit of a blog sabbatical. And then I kept on accumulating blog-worthy events and pictures and they multiplied like rabbits and before I knew it there was too much too say and no desire to say it! But my dear SIL Laura reminded me that blogging is a form of family history and my guilt drove me back. Lucky for you.
Here is my desperate attempt to capture the last few months in pix:
Ethan and Ike were the only soccer players this fall. That was OK with me since I don't think we could have squeezed more games and practices in without me having to hire a nanny.
We had a great trip to Lagoon with the Kloepers. Too bad my camera battery died before everyone got their picture taken. The sad news was the Ethan was a hair too short for all the big kid rides. We're using that as a bribe for him to consume more calories before next year. Everyone had a great time and a new generation of roller coaster lovers was born.
Noelle had her 5th Birthday with ensuing party. The kids were amazed that Hubby could walk on his hands. I love easy entertainment.
Our fam on the new Payson temple site. We got to see a lot of the prep for the groundbreaking ceremony occur and it will be fun to monitor the progress.
We've been able to go on a few autumn hikes. I lovelovelove warm fall weather! In the bottom pic you may be able to tell Mitch's funny smile has some metal in it. Yep, he got braces. We will be opening his mouth for Christmas, my Birthday, Hub's Birthday, Syd's Birthday....yeah, you get the point. Those things are pricey!
And it wouldn't be fall without a trip the Big Red Barn pumpkin patch/hayride! CC and I took the kiddies and some additional cousins while all the hubs were at the BYU game. It wasn't as chaotic as the shear numbers would say. But I did need to go to bed earlier that night....
*And now I'm as caught up as I'm going to be.