Tuesday, June 28, 2011

We do leave the house. Occasionally.

 A major highlight of the summer is the trip to Lake Powell with Hub's fam. It's always exciting to see how much stuff we can pack in bags and coolers, actually fit it into our van, then transfer it all onto a boat and then transfer it again to the houseboat and then unpack it all and then do the reverse order in a few days time.

This year Ethan and Mitch got to go down early with the old folks. They got to do some hiking.

 Noelle must have picked up some modeling tips from the womb when I used to watch ANTM....

Hub and Syd trying out the water. It was a bit cold for some of the kids. Syd didn't appreciate it. And Hub's arms got super tan by the end of the week in case you're wondering.....

Ike liked to do some fancy jumps off the back of the houseboat. This move was called The Ballerina.

Noelle and cousin Dayton trying to sneak off on a jet ski.

The ever popular tube.

Sometimes the kids just wanted to play in their life jackets on top of the bunk. Go figure.

Boys on the tube.
I only took photo evidence of the good times. No pix of the broken boat, the tantrums, the afternoon wind storms that drove us inside for hours....And that my friends, is how history becomes distorted. But that is a topic for philosophical days. Moving right along....

It's the end of June and we finally made it on a family hike. We are so lucky to live 5 minutes away from some beautiful canyons, lakes and trails.

Hub set the self-timer and didn't quite take his sunglasses off in time.

Told you that Noelle wants to be a super model.

Our little cheeseball kids.

Isn't the scenery lovely? And you can kindof tell that Ethan only picked up two sticks to take home. It's a miracle.
 Now you know we're alive, healthy and have been adventurising. I'm pretty sure I just made up that word.

Monday, June 6, 2011

Here we go again

Summer started and we have yet to turn the AC on or find our slip'n'slide! That is the positive spin on the somewhat turbulant weather. The negative side would tell you how much it stinketh to watch track meets and t-ball games swaddled in winter wear.

Here are my boys on the last day of school. Mitch was the only one who was truly pumped it was the last day.
 ***We've had a lot of stuff going on since the start of our break. Isaac received his Arrow of Light and now is excited to become a Real scout. He will begin with a bang by attending 11-year-old scout camp this weekend. Thankfully Hub is his scout leader so some good bonding will be going on. (except I heard there have been lots of bear sightings where they are going! Should I pack some bear mace for him??)

***Ethan is loving t-ball with a gaggle of his friends. He's on the Cincinnati Reds and just asked me yesterday 'What's a Cincinnati, mom?" He's the first of my boys who actually wanted to wear the baseball pants and cleats to have a full-on uniform. He might be the smallest on his team but he can hit pretty dang far. Sometimes he's an awesome outfielder too when he's remembering to stand up and pay attention to the game.....

***Ike and Mitch have given up on baseball and are doing track. Track meets are waaay too long, but  it's fun to develop a talent for running. (says the lady who hates running) Our track pictures are a little too blurry for public posting. That tells you how fast my boys are.

**We had our family pictures taken by a non-charging family member. Why? Because it would be foolish to pay money when you have children who refuse to look at the camera/smile ever. Sadly this is why Noelle and Sydney have very outdated photos on our family room wall.

***And it was our 13th wedding anniversary! Hub is still very excited to be married to me as you can tell in the picture below.
More later if I feel like it.