Sunday, December 26, 2010

Perfect Timing

How great is it that the MS truck is coming tomorrow morning? Everyone is a little more willing to part with their junk now that they've got some shiny new toys to play with!
We had a fun week-before-Christmas mainly because for once most of my shopping was done in advance. Remind me to do that again next year.
We ventured to our capitol city for a trip to the Planetarium. We walked on the moon.
And we found strange life on Mars.
Then we went to Temple Square for the annual cold walk. We also had a chance to wish Joseph Smith a pleasant birthday and give him a foot massage.

We also enjoyed a trip to the bookstore and a fancy restaurant courtesy of the grandparents. ('fancy' meaning there was no playland and a tip was expected. I was hoping that by calling the place fancy my kids would behave like it was fancy. Unfortunately we will always still feel the need to crawl under tables and dump salt and pepper shakers no matter the locale.)
We visited some relatives, went sledding, had our traditional Christmas Eve pizza and lit candles at the cemetery.  Finally the big day arrived and there was much happiness in the land.  Again, this Christmas was mainly sponsored by the LEGO company. (props to Hub who has the patience to help the younger two boys put their sets together)(but lets go ahead and give me props too for helping Ike do a big boy puzzle. I hate puzzles over 25 pieces.....)
 We'll go ahead and also thank the Disney Princess franchise for coming in a close second and providing lots of things pink this year. (Syd is holding out her sucker stick for me to throw away. Yes, that was her breakfast.)
We've had a wonderful Holiday season with lots of fun activities combined with celebrating the true meaning of Christmas.  I hope yours has been just as enjoyable. Merry Christmas a day late!

Tuesday, December 21, 2010

Need Me 4-Wheel Drive

School was cancelled today due to the monstrous piles of snow we've received in the last couple of days. This was the last day of school before Christmas break so it's really not like they were going to miss anything educational. However,  I was a little bummed because I spent a lot of time calling around scheduling refreshments and decor for Mitch and Ethan's class singing program and it was all for naught. Plus they were disappointed to not get to do the program they've been practicing for weeks. But all the snow playtime and the relaxed indoor time has made up for it. Plus it's nice to see all the neighborhood come out and help shovel snow and dig each other out.
As far as interesting life tidbits....Hub was at a pet hospital helping with their employee benefits and a lady came in the waiting room with an injured hand and an injured cat. Apparently there was an aggressive dog issue. Anyway, she saw Hub in his business attire, knew she was in UT county and asked if he would give her cat a blessing. And he did. Should this story make me laugh? It did. Hub insisted it wasn't as weird as it sounds.....

Wednesday, December 8, 2010

Scary Santa Sightings 2010

We had a jingle bell rockin' weekend with 3 Christmas parties in which we graced everyone with our presence. Ethan was so quick to get on Santa's lap that I almost missed the photo op.

Mitch was slightly more reluctant and when asked what he wants for Christmas he mumbled, "I don't know." He only likes to show enthusiasm when computer games or Cheetos are involved.

This is as close as Noelle got to Santa at the first sighting. (he's somewhere on that stage behind her)
By the last party she got a lot closer. You can actually see them in the same frame....
Isaac has not sat on Santa's lap since he was 6 months old.   I'm sure he'll do it by the time he's a deacon and it's considered one of those funny things to do.

And then there was Syd. After the screaming when I got within a few feet of St. Nick, I knew it was a no-go. Her clingy monkey posture during the rest of the party/parties was a good indication that it wasn't happening. No surprise from the girl who has yet to stay in nursery.

In other Christmas news....our ward puts on a creche each year. It's a great production and the choir performs and lots of work and people are involved. This year the primary has a part in it too where they sing and do a live nativity. It was optional so I knew my older two boys wouldn't sign up. Unfortunately, Ethan had no qualms. I got the phone call telling me what part he is and that I needed to get him a costume.  I was hoping for shepherd or wise man or even an angel (we have a Hannah Montana wig that I'd make him wear) But guess what he is??  A cow. Yes, you read correctly-- a bovine. I think someone in the primary presidency hates me.
 He has brown clothes. Can I just call that good??

Friday, December 3, 2010

5th Grade Envy

My photogenic eldest is in 5th grade.  I ain't no spring chicken, but for some reason I have very clear memories of 5th grade. My teacher, Mr Wilson, who didn't appreciate me for correcting his use of the word 'snuck' instead of 'sneaked' (though I think snuck is now an accepted word because everyone else thought like Mr Wilson as well)....there was the Christmas play where I played Mary though it wasn't the Mary you're thinking of...and the general feeling of coolness being one of the older kids in school.
Now that Isaac is in 5th grade I also have realized how much more fun it is to help him get his homework done.  (OK, 'fun' is pushing it. I'm not that lame. Let's just say 'more satisfying') Little kid homework is very tedious, especially after the first couple of kids---handwriting practice, letter sounds, math fact families.....boooring! But Isaac has brought home stuff this year that has tested me. I had to google an e-tutorial on partial quotient division because I'd never heard of it. You should have seen me hunkering down over the laptop trying to figure out what the cute tutor was talking about. But once I got it I felt awesome. Like I won a race or something. Now he gets to write a state report with an outline and notes and everything. 2-3 pages of fun! I'm so excited to start writing this. I mean, to have HIM write it, of course....I hope I get 100%!  I mean, I hope Isaac gets 100%....Dang. This really tells you a couple things about me. I either really need to go back to school (just 5th grade thanks, I'm not really into over exerting my brain by going back for a doctorate or anything). Or somebody needs to start rewarding my daily victories with letter grades and medals. Too bad for my girls that today's lunch is probably going to be in the C- range......