Some important family events occurred recently. Mainly that Ethan celebrated his 6th Birthday. He wanted breakfast in bed. He received a bowl of scrambled eggs with about 1 cup of Ketchup mixed in. He was a happy camper.
Noelle demanded breakfast in bed too. We let her so she and Ethan could keep each other company. Seriously, if you don't read the paper or have a TV wouldn't breakfast in bed be a little boring? Unfortunately, they kept company so well together that little breakfast was eaten and lots of jumping on beds happened. Breakfast in bed is a tradition that started and died all on one day...
Hub had a great idea to do a lot of spring cleaning over Spring Break. He made a massive list with the promise that once it was completed, we would enjoy a family trip to Pirate Island. Then he went to work the rest of the week.......So the kids and I worked hard to complete the list and we enjoyed our time at Pirate Island. Though waiters dressed up as pirates were not a pleasing novelty to my young daughters. And it made me feel like I had to tip more just because they were in costume and I felt sorry for them.
Back to the Birthday since I'm about to curse moving these pictures around....Did I mention that Ethan had a LEGO party for his Birthday? It was a good time. He also lost 2 teeth recently. That doesn't have anything to do with his party, but I thought I'd throw that out there.
And with the coming of spring is the desire to be outside all the time. Poor Syd thinks if she grabs her sandals and bangs on the sliding door somebody will have pity on her. Usually it's not me.
The End.